04 June 2015
by Philip Layton

Prison bars

Paul finally returns to Jerusalem and, after being greeted, is arrested

Click here to read Acts 21

Discussion Questions 

  • Compared to verse 3 in the preceding chapter, why do you think Paul was so unconcerned about the threat this time (v 13)?
  • Despite becoming a Christian, it is clear that Paul was still a Jew (v 24 and v 39).

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper from 'Words of Life

He was one of the chosen deacons, one of the Seven – selected to assist the Twelve, Jesus’ disciples. Together they would help with the daily distribution of alms in the form of food or money. It was a ministry of mercy with the poor.

But they were also chosen to spearhead aggressive evangelism. According to Acts 6:3 (KJV), four qualities were required in choosing the new church leaders. They were to be chosen from among the believers; of good report; full of the Spirit; full of wisdom.

Philip is the only person mentioned as an evangelist in the New Testament, although the word itself is mentioned on two other occasions: Timothy was urged to ‘do the work of an evangelist’ (2 Timothy 4:5); then, to build the church, God gifted people as apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists (Ephesians 4:11).

The word ‘evangelist’ comes from two words meaning good and announce .

An evangelist is, then, a proclaimer of good news; a spiritually gifted individual endowed by the Spirit to build-up a church numerically but also to see that those getting saved are both nurtured and discipled.

Philip was on fire, leading a successful citywide crusade in Samaria:

When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said (Acts 8:6).

Many were healed and filled with joy. Philip also was engaged in personal evangelism – which he will tell you about tomorrow!

Whether in a big crowd, or meeting with someone over a cup of tea, we’re all to be evangelists. We’re all to unashamedly share the good news of Christ with a world in desperate need of him. 

Let’s never shirk from that responsibility; rather, see it as an awesome and invigorating challenge. Who will you talk with today about Jesus?

Beverly Ivany

Tags: Acts