20 August 2019

Photo competitionPHOTOGRAPHERS are being encouraged to participate in a brand new international competition, capturing the essence of women in diverse mission and ministry around the Salvation Army world. This is ahead of an exciting launch marking the ‘Reimagining’ of Salvation Army International Women’s Ministries, which will take place in February 2020.

Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, The Salvation Army’s World President of Women’s Ministries, explains: ‘Our International Women’s Ministries will experience a “reimagining”, and we want you to be part of it! Your photos could be portraits, action shots from the front line or reflective photos, as long as they showcase aspects of women’s ministries.’

The winning photos will be displayed online and throughout February 2020 at an exhibition in Gallery 101 – a public area within The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters in London.

‘We were delighted with the response to our recent Bible study artwork competition,’ continues Commissioner Rosalie, ‘and it’s been a great encouragement to see first-hand the level of creativity and passion within The Salvation Army. I’m eagerly looking forward to receiving the entries, which will truly be snapshots of what God is doing in the lives of women in so many different contexts and cultures right around the globe.’

Entries should be sent to [email protected], with the subject ‘Reimagining Photo Competition’. Any large files or multiple entries can be submitted using a file transfer tool such as wetransfer.com. Contributions should be accompanied by a description identifying what is happening in the photo, as well as the contributor’s full name, Salvation Army territory and role. Photos should be at least 300dpi when printed at A4 size.

Photographers are reminded to seek permission from the people featured in their photos, or – in the case of under 18s – from their parents. This permission should be secured before entries are submitted. In the case of identifiable children appearing in the photo, the signed consent of their parent or legal guardian is required, and all territorial safeguarding policies must be adhered to. All national legal requirements relating to the photography of children/young people should naturally be observed.

The closing date for the competition is Monday 30 September 2019.

IHQ Communications
International Headquarters

Tags: South Pacific and East Asia, Africa, Europe, WM News, Americas and Caribbean, South Asia, News