We envision a world where children and young people experience life in its fullness, loved and valued by their families and communities and equipped to contribute.

Framework of beliefsIn order to do that we have created a framework of our beliefs:

  • We believe children are made in the image of God and are a gift from God.
  • They are intricately made and should be treasured. This means we should value them.
  • They are also dependent yet developing. This means they need our guidance, care and protection.
  • We believe children and young people are natural models of faith. This means we should give space to them to join and lead in serving God and others with their unique set of gifts, talents and skills.

Training, support and resources

The Youth and Children’s Section at International Headquarters supports and strengthens The Salvation Army around the world in its work among children and young people through:

  • providing training, support and guidance to territories on child protection
  • sharing and creating resources, such as children's programmes and our Faith Talks card game
  • building relationships, including creating zonal meetings with youth leaders
  • promoting the interest of children and young people
  • supporting territories in increasing youth participation


International Day of Children and Young People

Every year The Salvation Army celebrates the International Day of Children and Young People on the last Sunday of April. In 2024 this is Sunday 28 April.

Find out more and download resources for children's, youth and intergenerational ministry: 


Sponsorship, child protection and youth participation around the world

Follow us

Hear more from the Youth and Children's section on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube:

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