Prayer has been a natural part of human life from as far back as we can trace. It has taken many forms and been used in a variety of ways. Through the years people have prayed to different gods, or made offerings to please them, in an attempt to establish some form of communication with the divine (Genesis 4:1-8). By the time Jesus came to earth, prayer had become an established – even sophisticated – part of Jewish life. The Jews had realised the foolishness of worshipping a multiplicity of gods. If God is truly God he must be only one (Deuteronomy 6:4)...

Jesus and prayer

One Army - 07 In Prayer - 1 Jesus and Prayer from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

What is prayer?

One Army - 07 In Prayer - 2 What is Prayer? from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

Teach us to pray

One Army - 07 In Prayer - 3 Teach Us to Pray from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

Praying for each other

One Army - 07 In Prayer - 4 Prayer for Each Other from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

Ask - and receive

One Army - 07 In Prayer - 5 Ask–and Receive from Salvation Army IHQ on Vimeo.

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